
Showing posts from July, 2023

Challenging the Foundations: A Comprehensive Study on the Direct Observation of Kirchhoff's Law Violation in Thermal Radiation

Gluon Spin Scattering Analysis - Probing the Depths through Advanced Future Spin Physics Detectors in High-Energy Deep Inelastic Scattering Experiments

Unraveling the Quandaries of Gluons and Nucleon Spin via High-Energy Deep Inelastic Scattering Experiments with a Cutting-Edge Future Spin Physics Detector

Quantum Reservoir Computing Implementation on Coherently Coupled Quantum Oscillators

An Initial Glimpse into Orbitronics - Illuminating its Viability as a Promising Alternative to Conventional Electronics

Exploring the Profound Depths of Quantum Computing through the Utilization of Quantum Entangling Gates Incorporating Three and Four Qubits