Double Copy Theory - From General Relativity | General Relativity Int.

The amplitudes program in quantum field theory has revealed new and unexpected connections between gauge theories and gravity.
Through the double copy relationship, in which gravity amplitudes are closely tied to the squares of gauge theory amplitudes, it has become possible to compute gravity amplitudes which would otherwise be prohibitively complicated. A natural question is whether a similar relationship holds between exact solutions, in which solutions to general relativity can be generated from solutions to a gauge theory. Indeed, using the Kerr-Schild transformation, a simple and precise relationship can be drawn between gauge fields and spacetime metrics . It is striking that many exact solutions to the Einstein equations can be presented as the double copies of gauge theory solutions, including all four-dimensional black hole spacetimes. Generically, nonlinear behavior in general relativity makes a boundary-value approach very difficult . However, in electrodynamics this is the natural way to treat a system. As highlighted by the double copy prescription, Kerr-Schild spacetimes represent a sector of general relativity in which the metric can be derived as the solution to a boundary-value problem, just as in electrodynamics. In this paper, we make use of the boundary-value character of Kerr-Schild geometries in identifying a simple necessary condition for Maxwell sources to admit a Kerr-Schild double copy. The corresponding field strength must admit a null geodesic eigenvector whose differential reproduces the field strength. That is, F ν µA µ = χAν , Fµν = ∂µAν − ∂νAµ, (1.1) for some scalar function χ. In the case of four-dimensional Minkowski backgrounds, we extend this condition to provide a succinct parameterization of all four-dimensional black hole spacetimes. They are double copies of real slices of Maxwell fields sourced by point charges moving on complex worldlines, or complex Li`enard-Wiechert fields. Different restrictions on these complex worldlines give the double copies derived in and In higher dimensions or on curved backgrounds, it is not clear whether an analogous classification of Kerr-Schild black hole spacetimes is possible. However, by interpreting as a necessary condition on the trajectories of particles probing a putative single copy gauge current, this approach provides us a simple physical test for Kerr-Schild double copy structure. This test is demonstrated to exclude the five-dimensional black ring spacetime, furnishing a new proof that it does not admit a double copy presentation in terms of a Kerr-Schild metric. In section 2, we review the properties of Kerr-Schild spacetimes and the classical double copy, and present a systematic formulation of the latter. We clarify how the current source in the gauge theory is related to the stress-energy tensor in gravity. In section 2.3, we describe the requirements which must be satisfied by a gauge field single copy of a Kerr-Schild metric. Referring to previous work of Newman, in section 3 we relate these single copies to real slices of complex Li´enard-Wiechert fields [13], and use this identification to systematically construct all four-dimensional black hole spacetimes on Minkowski backgrounds. In section 4, we present a test for Kerr-Schild structure in any number of dimensions. For sources which pass this test, we can carry the technique further to derive their Kerr-Schild coordinates, effectively uplifting solutions of boundary value problems in electrodynamics to solutions in general relativity. This procedure is outlined in section .

- Kerr-Schild Metrics and the Classical Double Copy

The classical double copy relates solutions in gauge theory to Kerr-Schild spacetimes in general relativity.
In section 2.1 we review results concerning the Kerr-Schild geometries, first introduced . In section 2.2, we review the stationary double copy discovered in , and present a generalization. In section 2.3, we derive conditions required for a Maxwell theory solution to be related to a gravity solution by a double copy, and present the problem of classifying Kerr-Schild spacetimes using their gauge theory counterparts.

- Kerr-Schild Spacetimes

A Kerr-Schild metric is obtained from a transformation on a fixed background metric gµν of arbitrary dimension and curvature. Given a null vector field k µ on this background, we can make the Kerr-Schild transformation gµν = gµν + φkµkν , (2.1) where φ is some scalar function. The spacetime with metric gµν is a Kerr-Schild spacetime and the null vector employed in the transformation is called the Kerr-Schild vector. For reasons to be explained shortly, we will consider only geodesic Kerr-Schild vectors. Schematically we can see the double copy structure of these spacetimes by thinking of them as perturbations to background spacetimes in which the graviton is a tensor product of two copies of a null vector field. We will often refer to a Kerr-Schild spacetime as the full spacetime, in contrast to the background spacetime on which it is defined. Contracting both sides of (2.1) by k µk ν , we find that gµν k µk ν = gµνk µk ν , so k µ is also null with respect to gµν . An important consequence is the truncation of the inverse metric to first order in the graviton, g µν = g µν − φkµ k ν . (2.2) This truncation implies that k µ is geodesic in the background spacetime if and only if it is geodesic in the full spacetime. It also allows us to make a simple statement of the condition for the Kerr-Schild vector to be geodesic. Kerr-Schild transformations change the Ricci tensor component Rµν k µk ν by Rµνk µ k ν − Rµν k µ k ν = φ(k µ∇µk λ )(k ν∇ν kλ). (2.3) Note that we use bars throughout to refer to quantities defined with respect to the background spacetime. Therefore, if Rµν k µ k ν = Rµνk µ k ν , (2.4) then k ν∇νk µ must be a null vector. Furthermore, kµk ν∇νk µ = 0, so k ν∇νk µ is then both null and orthogonal to k µ . This implies k ν∇ν k µ is proportional to k µ , i.e., that k µ is geodesic. For example, if both the background and full spacetimes saturate the null energy condition, then k µ is geodesic. Kerr-Schild spacetimes with geodesic k µ are most interesting, because of dramatic simplifications to their Ricci tensors. If we introduce a dimensionless perturbation parameter λ into the Kerr-Schild transformation gµν = gµν + λφkµkν , we see that the truncation of the inverse metric g µν = g µν − λφkµk ν at first order implies that the Ricci tensor could be at most fourth order in λ. In fact, the Ricci tensor of a general Kerr-Schild spacetime with geodesic k µ truncates at second order with lowered indices, Rαβ = Rαβ + λR(1) αβ + λ 2R (2) αβ , (2.5) R (1) αβ = 1 2 ∇σ ∇α(φkσ kβ) + ∇β(φkσ kα) − ∇ σ (φkαkβ)  , (2.6) R (2) αβ = φkαk σR (1) σβ . (2.7) Because of the form of the second-order term, we can raise one index and find R α β = R α β − λ h φkα k σRσβ − g ασR (1) σβ i , (2.8) a first-order truncation. Fixing the perturbation parameter to unity, the explicit mixedindex Ricci tensor for Kerr-Schild spacetimes (2.1) with geodesic k µ is R α β = R α β − φkα k σRσβ + 1 2 ∇σ ∇ α (φkσ kβ) + ∇β(φkσ k α ) − ∇ σ (φkα kβ)  , (2.9) where R α β = g αγRγβ and ∇ σ = g σλ∇ .

2 The Classical Double Copy

 It was recently discovered that stationary vacuum Kerr-Schild spacetimes are related to vacuum solutions of Maxwell’s equations on the background spacetime. This follows directly from the form of the Ricci tensor given in (2.9). On a flat background the terms involving Rµν vanish, and so the vacuum Einstein equations give ∇σ ∇ α (φkσ kβ) + ∇β(φkσ k α ) − ∇ σ (φkα kβ)  = 0. (2.10) With some additional assumptions and gauge choices, we can find the Maxwell equations among these Einstein equations. We assume the spacetime is stationary and choose the stationary coordinates, in which ∇0(φkσk α) = 0. Furthermore, we set k0 = 1 by an appropriate choice of φ, without changing the overall graviton. It follows that the Einstein equations with index β = 0 are ∇σ ∇ α (φkσ ) − ∇ σ (φkα )  = 0. (2.11) We see from this equation that a Kerr-Schild spacetime naturally defines a gauge field Aµ ≡ φkµ . Indeed, if ηµν + φkµkν is the metric of a stationary spacetime, the vacuum Einstein equations imply that Aµ solves the vacuum Maxwell equations. Note the Maxwell equations correspond only to Rµ 0 = 0, and the other Einstein equations provide additional constraints on the Kerr-Schild graviton which are not related to the gauge field A We refer to the gauge field Aµ as the single copy of the metric gµν , or more specifically, of the graviton φkµkν. An archetypal example of the single copy procedure is the relationship between the Schwarzschild metric and a Coulomb field. In Eddington-Finkelstein coordinates, the Schwarzschild metric is given by ds2 = ds2 + rs r (−dt + dr) 2 , (2.12) where ds2 is the line element of four-dimensional Minkowski space. The metric (2.12) is manifestly in Kerr-Schild form, with φ = rs r and k µ = (∂t + ∂r) µ . The single copy gauge field is Aµ = φkµ , and it satisfies ∂µF µν = j ν , (2.13) where F µν = ∂ µAν − ∂ νAµ and j µ = −qδ(3)(x)(∂t) µ . (2.14) Note that we have made the replacements M → q, a charge, and κ → g, the gauge coupling, when writing Aµ , so that rs = κM 4π becomes gq 4π . In electrodynamics we think of a gauge field as the consequence of some configuration of current. This view is less applicable in general relativity, owing to its nonlinear behavior. However, the double copy relationship indicates that for Kerr-Schild spacetimes, it is instructive to think of a metric as the result of a source. Furthermore, we should think about how the gravity source is related to its corresponding gauge source. Indeed, the gauge current (2.14) is related to the source of the Schwarzschild metric, T µ ν = Mδ(3)(x)(∂t) µ (dt)ν . (2.15) If we follow the derivation of the double copy while keeping track of sources, a more general relationship becomes clear. From (2.9), we find that a stationary Kerr-Schild solution on flat background with k0 = 1 satisfies R µ 0 = − M 2q ∇σF σµ . (2.16) Using the Einstein and Maxwell equations, this implies j µ = − 2q M  T µ 0 − T D − 2 δ µ 0  , (2.17) where T = T µ µ. This result is also discussed in [10]. In the stationary case, this completes a web of relationships depicted in Figure 1. Gravity, with the Einstein equations relating gµν to T µ ν, is shown as a layer above Maxwell theory, which relates Aµ to j µ . The classical double copy connects a Kerr-Schild metric gµν to Aµ by the prescription Aµ ≡ φkµ . The sources are connected by (2.17), which we can use to construct the current j µ from the stress-energy tensor T µ ν. Note that in both cases we are constructing elements of the gauge theory using elements of the gravity theory. Reconstructing a gravity solution from a gauge solution requires imposing additional constraints, which we explore in later sections.

Dr. Karam Ouharou 
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